I have two transceivers in the shack corner, a Kenwood TS-940S and an Icom IC-7100. The TS-940S was inherited from my father (SK) and I use it on 40 through 10 for AM and SSB operations. The IC-7100 is the primary rig as it is all mode 40 through 70cm.
On the TS-940S I’ve added a Piexx TS-940 Interface Board and replaced the PSU with a kit. Solid system, love using it, but it does require more attention to operate.
I live in a HOA with little property for antennas so I’ve opted for two EAntenna fan dipoles in the attic. The EA10152040DXS and the EA121730+6DX span from corner to corner of the attic and have been a great purchases.
To control all the audio from the radios, PC, and microphone I’ve purchased an Behringer Xenyx Q802USB. The mic is a Heil PR20, JVC HAS160R headphones, and some cheap desktop speakers.
I highly recommend the JVC HAS160R for headset which is comfortable for long-term use, great audio for daily use and radio, while remaining under $20.
My Behringer setup can be found on the Behringer Q802USB Setup page.
I run a Kenwood TM-D710GA 144/440MHz FM Dual Bander in my car with a Comet SBB-5NMO 2M/70cm Dual Band Mobile Antenna on top of a Browning WSPBR10353 5/8 NMO Mag Mount.
AMSAT and Portable Ops⚓︎
My AMSAT setup is just a bit a what I have lying around, and a few parts I’ve purchased to pull it all together. The base of this setup is a Kenwood TM-721 and an Elk Antennas 2M/440L5 Dual-Band Antenna.
I’m not out hiking yet, and my need for an HT is mostly local repeaters, so my go-to radio is a 2m single band Kenwood TH-K20A.