First PO-101 AMSAT Contacts (KD0ZW and K9UO)⚓︎
July 18, 2021
AMSAT contact with via PO-101⚓︎
It’s been two years since I worked AMSAT, and it’s time to get back out there. I spent some time yesterday getting my AMSAT/GoBag ready so that I had no more excuses.
I’ve heard that PO-101 is a great UHF/VHF OSCAR EasySat, one which is easier for people getting in to the hobby. There was a great pass of PO-101 lined up for 20:50 UTC, 2:50pm local, so I grabbed my new GoBag and headed out to the field. Setup was easy and I was ready in plenty of time for the pass.
It took a few minutes but I was able to get two contacts, and the recordings. A 10 second QSO with KD0ZW in EN31, and a 34 second QSO wth K9UO in EN70.